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15 Trampolining

Jump Factory, Basingstoke

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Enjoyment - 80%
Success - 40%
Will try again - Yes

First timer's recommendation – definitely one if you have kids. Good value, and a lot safer than having one in the garden.

For this first time since week 3 I was joined by my little girl, for a trip to the newly-opened Jump Factory in Basingstoke. There seems to be a few of these opening up around the country, filling  empty warehouse spaces with trampolines and padded edges, and then packing 100 kids into them to burn off some energy. In terms of keeping kids fit and active without them realising, it’s got to be one of the most effective, like the carrot and swede mash of sport. We paid £5 for an hour and had to purchase grip socks which we got to keep, so it was one of the cheapest as well. Ena enjoyed every minute of it, and you would think an hour would be too much for a two-year-old but she didn’t want to get off in the end.

They had a slamball section which unfortunately didn’t have bouncy enough trampolines under it, and you weren’t allowed to hang on the basketball rim, something I hope they’ve changed by the next time I go. The best area was the wall section which had the springiest trampolines, with the idea being you can jump up to the top of walls of different heights and them jump back down. I managed the first part, but when I jumped down from the walls, my instinct was to land rather than bounce, which Ena found hilarious.

Trampolining is one of the forgotten Olympic sports, getting lost within the gymnastics programme, but it’s good fun and more accessible to start up with. Hopefully with more of these sort of places opening up, if the costs are kept low, more kids will get into the sport, and I am sure there are adults who could benefit, although it’s not for the self-conscious.

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