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Why am I doing this?

In the summer of 2014, I decided on a whim to enter the popular teatime quiz show The Chase.

I managed to get through the audition and ended up filiming an episode in early January 2015, which was then broadcasted on ITV that September. I was asked by one of the researchers in the lead up to the show what I would spend the money on if I won, and wanting to avoid the usual holiday/pay of mortgage/new car/sex change answers that are given, I said I would like to try a different sport every week for a year. She seemed to think this was a decent idea and told me to run with it on the day. Bradley Walsh seemed impressed, and even though I ended up leaving the show empty hearted, a seed had been planted. 


After the show had been aired, a few people (about four) asked me if I was still planning to do it, and the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea, especially in an Olympic year, so i started putting a plan together (after running it past my very tolerant wife Kayleigh). I started out by listing as many different sports as possible, and from a list of about 100, started trimming out those that would be unfeasible (Formula One), would require too much training (ultra marathon), or those that really didn't interest me at all (sorry ultimate frisbee). With the list roughly assembled, I braved the freezing waters of the North Atlantic on 1st January, and the year was underway.


I am hoping this year will give me an excuse to meet up with old friends, meet new people, push myself further than I've gone before and all that, and share some of the experiences with my family. Although maybe not fencing. Although I'll only be scratching the surface of most of these sports, by the end of the year I hope I'll have a better understanding of what makes the sportsmen and women of Britain tick.


Please click on the link below for more details on the charity I am raising money for.

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