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49 Dodgeball

Ark All Saints Academy, Camberwell

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Enjoyment - 20%
Success - 20%
Will try again - No

First timer’s recommendation – unless you are at uni or can go back in time to play it, I would jump out of the way of this sport, high-fiving the person next to you after you’ve done so.

Another week indoors and a sport I would class in the novelty bracket, along with underwater hockey and spikeball. Turning up in December to a dodgeball training session run by and largely attended by students, it soon became clear that I was in for an odd couple of hours. It’s a macho sport for those who don’t like the inconvenience of any contact with another person, and by December, I would say most of the people there would have already tried football, rugby, basketball, cricket, and decided to join the Average Joes. Trying to give the sport a bit of a chance, there is some skill involved in the throwing, dodging and catching element, but I couldn’t see how much more variation there could be after that, and it felt more like being bullied in the playground must have felt like when a load of people are chucking a ball at your head from about five metres away.

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