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27 Sailing

Gosport, Hampshire

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Enjoyment - 75%
Success - 50%
Will try again - Yes

First timer’s recommendation – ideally go with someone experienced, if not know your tides and download a decent app on an ipad so you can check for sandbars, wrecks, shallow water etc.

Sailing is one of the most technically and physically challenging sport there is, and although it doesn't always make for great spectator viewing, just going on a boat for a few hours makes you appreciate in a small way what the likes of Ben Ainslie and that bloke who got trapped under his hull eating chocolate have to go through.

It's also one of the most expensive sports if you want a decent boat with all the kit, and there's always another upgrade you can give to your boat, and new technology being developed. Definitely a sport for those with a lot of disposable income and time, and as I don't really have either of those at the moment, I was happy with a couple of trips on a Contessa 32.

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