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44 Spikeball


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Enjoyment - 95%
Success - 60%
Will try again - Yes

First timer’s recommendation – get yourself a set for the beach next year

Into the second week with a new baby, it suddenly became more difficult to nip off for a few hours for a bit of water polo or basketball, so I took advantage of the family coming down to visit to play a game of my new favourite sport that fits in a bag. Created as a portable version of beach volleyball in the late eighties and then abandoned in the 1990’s, it has recently enjoyed a resurgence, and first spotted it after a video was posted of the Norwich City goalkeepers having a ridiculous rally as part of a training session.

I got the kit off eBay, and I takes less than five minutes to assemble. We were too late in the year to play on sand, but had a decent hour on grass, and it’s something that can be played by all ages and abilities, with very simple to understand rules. The only downside is that the instruction leaflet reads like a back of an Innocent smoothie pack, but that aside I would really recommend it.

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